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Best points to modernize your home and kitchen design

The best cabinet color for a small kitchen

 Use bright colors in the color of small kitchen cabinets: The best color for small cabinets is bright colors. You may think of bright cabinet colors only as white and cream, but if you look more closely at kitchen décor albums, you will find that there are many bright colors that you can use. Using light colors will make your kitchen space happy and generous, and in contrast to using dark colors, it will make the kitchen space look cramped and dark. light gray or gray cabinets: If your kitchen utensils are silver, you can use light gray or gray cabinets, and you can use light lemon color to create a color contrast. For example, you can use a lemon rug in the kitchen, or make the kitchen tiles a light lemon, or even use cabinets in two colors, gray and lemon! If your kitchen utensils are white, you can use matte or glossy white cabinets and use cheerful colors in the kitchen decoration to combine colors.

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